Wednesday 25 April 2012

Free Choice Blog Post - Cloning

Okay, cloning is a wierd topic to discuss because it constitutes a question of:
Is this society today ready for cloning?
Now, scientifically we are still major strides away from cloning but it constitutes the philisopical qustion of why would we need it?
How is the behaviour and ethics of humans going to take it?
Now, cloning can become a genius idea for humans to make simple tasks more affective. However, humans ethically, would not appreciate the welcoming from a double such as a clone. It would seem wierd to humans. Just as it does in the novel House of the Scorpions. However, if society adapts and learns to live with it house would that be introduced to society now and in the future? Honestly, seeing two people at once would seem wierd at first. Thinking of how clones are just self copies of us. You wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the two therefore be confusing and open up the oppertunity to stealing identities and other conflicts. We aren't aquianted to the idea of cloning. So the ethics of cloning are deffinatly out of the question. We still have a long time to go and to adapt to cloning, but this book proves how far we are away from it.

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