Tuesday 6 March 2012

Blog Post #1- Foreshadowing

This blog is about foreshadowing and how Farmer offers distinct clues as to what may happen in the future. Now to begin I would first like to talk about the cover of the book itself. I think after reading what I have so far, this is not much on the book cover that suggests anything what I have read so far. This is excluding the summary because the summary is just a blunt description of the book.  I think that as well as having the cover appropriate for the name. The name is house of the scorpion, but is there really any mention of a scorpion? Now I’m just talking about the book as I read early on into it. However, the cluse that are given are misleading. Shouldn’t a book resemble the basic setting in which the story takes place? House of the scorpions. No, I think more of House of El Patron, I think this title would work way better than the first because it actually introducing something. In this case of my title, it introduces one of the main characters. Now, I’m jumping ahead seeing as at the point I am in the book not much is established. Anyhow, from what I can tell she didn’t want to put that much foreshadowing in because of the fact of suspense entailing with secrecy. Clones, as that is a generally broad topic it is introduced in the beginning of the story. Perhaps to introduce what the character really is, and why people treat him that way. Why is it also, that the chapters stop at 14? Is that a clones life span? Or some other mysterious event occurring. As I will talk more about clones when my partner and I get farther into the book. It’s interesting to see very few but obvious instances of foreshadowing.

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