Monday 12 March 2012

Blog Post #2: Setting

Setting is very important topic in this book seeing as setting is what makes up a story. Without setting the book would be blunt and not informative. Basically speaking, without setting a book would look like this:
They were in the far off land of ___, doing ___, they both felt ______.

The setting in this book personally takes place in Opium, a colony built by the drug lords and others. This colony is for opium farmers, which this place in the real world is called Aztlan. This place is packed of opium farmers and eejits. Eejits are illegal immigrants that are the slaves and distribute opium.

The setting in this book being that characters mood, is mostly cheerful. Other than some people with some issues with clones, and Tom.  Mostly, cheerful, but then again when your a millionaire and One hundred and forty five you don't want that much stress in your life.

Don't get me wrong, there's nothing cheerful for the Eejits. Working day after day distributing, without most of the pay. However, Farmer portrays the book as if Matts just a clone to everyone else, but to El Patron it's his life. Now I'll get into why El Patron needs Matt in the future, so I don't ruin the story. Anywho, they also don't talk about the Eejits that much, are they hiding something about them? They left the setting for the Eejits very foggy and gray, not introducing much about them at all. I know from previous statements they are slaves that distribute Opium, but how? why? where? when? I'm interested to see the work they put into it.

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